Receive up-to-date repayment terms from within SolarPlus by integrating your account with Smart Ease via API.
Set up the integration
Contact Smart Ease to receive an API key.
Click on your username to open the admin menu and go to Integration
Scroll down to the Finance Partners section, paste the API key in the field, and click update finance API
Set up the finance plans.
From the admin menu, click manage suppliers.
If SmartEase is not yet listed as a supplier, click add supplier
Add SmartEase and set Company Type to Finance Provider.
In the Admin menu, click Manage Finance Plans, then click Add Item.
Enter the appropriate values for each plan type.
Apply a loan / lease to a quote
On the specific quote, go to the bottom of the the Pricing page
Select the required finance plan, then click Apply.
Once applied, a unique instance of that finance plan for that customer will be saved. If you update the finance plan and which to re-apply it, please select the non-specific finance plan and apply it to the quote.
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